I'll respond to many replies, in first place to deadwood later to others (i omitted to quote the exact message id here as there where too many)
Yes I noticed that, but it does not happen all the time for me.
Strange as it seems to happen continuously for me now.
In that case i must have triggered something to cause this (for me) permanent behaviour. Ofc it disappears when starting completely afresh.
I start Scalos from a left out icon on Wanderer desktop, so I don't have any windows opened (apart from Wanderer itself).
OK, i can try that as well as i haven't before. Thank you for the hint. I start scalos as instructed (extra's) then switch back to Wanderer to close the open windows and head back over to scalos. Perhaps that in itself is already enough for scalos/intuition to get confused (although that usually works for me in other/normal situations with Wanderer/Magellan but ofc i do not use scalos as replacement).
If this happens more frequent for you, maybe you can see if there is any pattern that triggers this.
Indeed. I do have a hunch but it is still vague e.g. can't find the exact steps to force it yet as it seems to involve changing different settings in a particular order.
In general this is a gray area I think: these things could happen as long as Scalos is secondary to Wanderer, but should not happen when Scalos is main desktop.
That i have understood from the get-goal.
Also for OlafS3/AMIGASYSTEM:
I am aware that mileage may vary when using scalos as desktop replacement although i do appreciate the hint you guys made.
It was more about the way how scalos acts. For some settings it absolutely makes no sense whatsoever for scalos to re-start, and certainly not in the way it seem to do for me.
In case magorium is desribing (I think) the Scalos screen openes but Scalos window never opens so user gets stuck on empty Scalos screen.
That is affirmative.
The grey workbench screen stays visible and scalos fails to (re)load, although it appears that scalos is making an attempt to load because of the graphical glitches on the Wanderer screen.
There is no debug output that provides helpful information on what goes wrong there.
I also noticed that Scalos when you save to Scalos prefs generates a file named "NewPopupMenu.prefs" in the path "Prefs/Env-Archive/SYS".
That is correct.
If you look at the debug-log (you know: that open terminal window ;-) ) then you can see that this prefs file is being created/written to when saving the preferences.