This is a help request to current Amiga developers. Unluckily I do not have the skill to do this by myself, but I guess many of you are. I'd need a simple utility in C to change the sound volume with AHI. A quick implementation of it would just change the 'main' volume, from 0 to 100%, for all the available music and audio units. Would anyone volounteer? Requisites: being open source and straight-to-compile on any Amiganoid system and platform.
My intermediate goal is just having the cance to open a shell window and give a command like
ahivolume 0 --> to set the overall sound volume to null
ahivolume 100 --> to set the overall sound volume to max
and obviously any intermediate value in the range 0-100, independently from the physical device used for sound (it shall work with any audio driver / audio mode).
Is this feasible? Or are ther technical problems making it a complete mess? Thank you.
The final (longer term) goal will be, at least on Icaros Desktop, writing a simple GUI/frontend in lua with a slider, a mute and a setting button, but I should be able to do this by myself.