But IconTint only works with PNG icon images not complete icons. So we need another tool to "split" the icon. I noticed that in System:c we have "join" but no "split". Someone should write an icon split command line app.
So here is the simplified process. Icon split, icon tint, icon join, icon exchange.
Pardon the intrusion as i have not read/understood the whole discussion.
The icons that AMIGASYSTEM referred to (farossenza) in his last post /are/ png icons and also I seem to not understand the icon "split".
Split what exactly from where to where ?
I did find the farosaenza archive. I also discovered that "Faenza" is an icon style (Squared Icons). Cool.
Split will split either a PNG icon into two PNG images or a Classic Amiga Icon into ILBM images saved to Ram Disk.
Maybe "Icon Split" is a better name for what I'm envisioning.
I suppose I could include a command line switch --i with IconTint to indicate that the filename that follows is an icon file instead of an icon image. IconTint would then split the images, tint the glow border, recombine the images & perform a simple icon exchange with the original icon.
That seems like a lot of extra processing. But it makes sense that we should be able to tint an image or an icon.