Ok, I have integrated this into Icaros Desktop
and some strange things happen.
1. a console window telling that it could not start some packages that never showed up before, when booting from CD. I have added a echo command to t:p in order to catch the culprit with no luck.
2. this also showed up a message about rexxmast. Maybe it was there before, but all redirections to NIL: just hidden that.
3. gcc does nothing. No error message, just does nothing and exits gracefully. Maybe this was here before, but I hadn't catched it. where can I get the latest gcc for AROS I've heard about some topic else?
4. directory opus 4 does not start anymore
5. warm reboot still not working with vmware
6. owb does not start and crashes AROS (stuck pointer), other utilities in Utilities don't work as well.
7. many (and I mean MANY) AROS apps from the same AROS ISO and third party applications do not work anymore (just in Tools: acpitool, amigakeyremapper, boingiconbar, marranoftp and showconfig are not working)
8. LUA is not working, so nothing based on LUA is working as well
9. IconX does not work, so no tool using it from its icon can be launched by Dopus5
to be honest, almost nothing works as it should... :-)