I guess we will have to do some experiments
Indeed, at least from my side. I do think this requires the top-most of my knowledge with regards to FPC, but let's see how far i am able to get along :-)
My proposal would be the following: create a simplest Pascal program that does one visual thing - for example opens an Intuition window. It should have the smallest amount of code possible.
Reading your message completely before writing this line of text, that already keeps me busy for a little while as ABIv11 has become available only recently in FPC trunk (thanks to charlie on request of ALB42). Therefor i need to update my FPC installation first (working on that right now)
Secondly, i then need to have a look at the state of the Amiga API units to see if they match current/your AROS development tree (library offsets etc). I have no experience with developing for 64 bit AROS whatsoever, let alone that i am aware of the state of the individual FPC unit files (although i am sure ALB42 did his best).
The intuition example would then not be too complicated to realize and, when AROS 64 hosted is able to run on my setup i can even check if that works correctly beforehand.
I will see what happens when applying your suggestion(s) and report back.
You are indeed correct with regards to your caveat. afaik it is not possible to compile a 'single' program using different ABI's at the same compilation run (i've already dropped the question to FPC devs on irc, as i myself am not aware of such possibility. I might need to turn to other resources as well).
afaik, there are some inner (undocumented) features inside FPC that allow for switching syscalls for example, but i do not know to what extend and/or if it is a global or local (per unit) feature or perhaps even depend on the target platform.
fwiw: It would be too early in this process to get into details with regards on how the Free Pascal Compiler works with object files, but i presume we have to look into that pretty quickly.