Here are some more and a sneek peek at the processing involved.
As a test for my copy mask function in ShowPicture I selected three sets of colored drawer icons. The beauty of copy mask is that I can use the base drawer images for each color as the start point and simply make mask templates and copy the small graphic for each icon image.
Here's how it works. From the original MyWorkspace Icon I split the icon into two images, MyWorkspace 1.png and MyWorkspace 2.png. I then paint a white pixel mask for each of the two images. You can see the mask templates, the original images and the three sets of base colored images in the screenshot.
I copy the MyWorkspace 1_mask.png to Ram Disk: and rename it "mask.png". Then I open the original MyWorkspace 1.png for comparison. From the Masking Menu I select Copy Mask and a file requester asks for a destination image. Select any of the first images from blue, green or brown sets. Applying the mask is automatic and the pictures changes to the new colored image.
Then we can save the newly processed image and move to the next colored base image using the same mask. The process is the same for the second image in each set. We start by loading the mask and the original then select destination. Using the master templates for each icon make processing faster but it's very repetitive and tedious work. "Some assembly required".
The programming involved uses three sets of byte arrays. It looks at each pixel in the mask. Is it White? If so, compare to the original pixel. If it is also White, skip it and go to the next pixel. It's just a White Pixel. But if the original is NOT White, copy the original pixel to the destination byte array for the image we selected with the file selector from available colored icons. The resulting image is beautiful as you can see.
Now you can see the resulting Colored MyWorkspace images ready for Icon Assembly.