It seems that to have the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Win10 you need to have a Bulid 14393 or higher, unfortunately I have an older Buld and therefore I can not install / enable WSL, any idea to solve this?
disclaimer: not a windows user, no experience with the process. I just post what i could find.
This documentation talks about doing it the easy way.
That requires an even higher build number but, does show a link (see
here) on how to how to install WSL manually (on a windows with a lower build number).
Note that in the first linked document there are also instructions on how to check your build and how to update your windows system.
(Funny that you asked how to update your windows, as the constant windows background updates was reason for me to quit windows altogether).
I am confused on how MS advertises the requirements, as they seem to differ on every other document. One page tells you that you cannot update to wsl2 on windows 10 (only windows 11) while another document writes that it is no problem. There are even pages that claim that you can't run x-server on windows 10 *period* and that you need to update to windows 11.
Would be interesting to know where the truth ends up