nikos: I already set it all up exactly like in the video (thanks for making it!), but it still doesn't work. Various permutations of the settings also didn't have any effect. Just to make sure I also restarted it after every change, checked for simple mistakes like the switch for wireless connection is on etc, but no luck.
It must be something else because I also tried using a cable and that also doesn't work (and it works with all my other computers). I know that the computer and the connection work (unless the hardware malfunctioned in the last week or so) so no idea. Will keep poking during the weekend.
paolone: forgot to explain - yes I did read it when I originally planned to install it, but then a few months have passed before I actually got a chance to try it and by that time I forgot about it
anyway going with a CD is so much simpler so maybe I was lucky?