That window theme is looking good. Lots of nice icons too!
BTW - this first theme took me about 6 1/2 hours to finish. It only took about an hour for the new images for System folder & Zune folder. But I spent a lot of time experimenting with different color variations.
When it came time for final processing I used DT2GIF on AROS itself to quantize the 24bit PNG images to 8bit GIF. Then I had to open each GIF in MultiView 1.9 to save as 8bit PNG.
The next theme should take about two hours or less. Whereas the second part of the processing was done on AROS using my own quantizing tools that must be the longest time that I've spent with AROS doing actual work!
In retrospect it could be better. It will be faster at the moment to process the initial images on Windows 10 & Pine Tools HSL Converter. Then for final processing I can use a DotNET based color quantizer that saves both 8bit GIF & 8bit PNG. So then I would just copy the PNG images & rename as default_LUT.
More automation for AROS processing would be great.