I have gathered a bunch of those Spartans, mostly driven some laptop lcd's with them. I would like to know if it could run some sort of 68k core with them too.
Would be a good learning experience at the same time too...
I reset the data registers with this hexadecimal: signal Dn_registers : REG_ARRAY := (others=>x"41524f53")
so maybe if it would work there might be some benefit for trying to run easily AROS on real hardware.
There is this
https://github.com/fpoussin/QStlink2 that at least once was able to communicate with those small stlink clone dongles, well it doesn't work anymore.
I thought I'd steal the underlying protocol and mend it to suite me but it uses QtUsb libusb wrapper and that no longer works with my version of Qt.
Offending bit is in stlinkv2.cpp: QObject::connect(mUsbInfo, SIGNAL(deviceInserted(QtUsb::FilterList)), this, SLOT(scanNewDevices(QtUsb::FilterList)));
Debug says "Warning: QObject::connect: No such signal QUsbInfo::deviceInserted(QtUsb::FilterList)" and it crashes when I press the connect button.
There were some minor changes too, mainly libusb no longer having dedicated function for debug level setting but that one was easy.
Well, I don't have to use a usb wrapper on top of a usb wrapper, I can code directly to the libusb, but would have been a lot faster if that QtUsb wrapper would have worked.
EDIT: There seems to be some sort of mixup in the QtUsb code between QUsbDevice::IdList and QUsbDevice::Id, it somehow worked with older Qt but now slot and signals are stricter I guess, in the end the usb device never gets opened/claimed and the code pursues on writing and reading to not opened device.