. However it does not happen with reference ISO, suggesting there some problem with cd-filesystem on new ISO
No this happens also with reference ISO, but also with Distro "AROS-20170402-5-pc-i386", "AROS-20180415-1-pc-i386" or AROS-20180415-2-pc-i386, it happens also if you copy and run help from RAM.
Once the system is installed the problem on Help disappears, probably due to some Path or assign in the startup-sequence.
Is it run from CD or installed to HDD?
This happens both from CD/ISO and from installed system, as said the muimaster.library "GCC630" has some problem.
Hosted on Linux I don't know why it doesn't have these problems probably something changes in the OS management, today I'll try the muimaster.library "GCC630" on a real PC and we'll see what happens