This morning I wanted to install the native AROS 68k version from Contrib, and I must say that it works well even if there are some incompatibilities, compared to the OS3 version the AROS Contrib version is much more advanced, I Workbench looks like both Workbench 3.9 and Ambient of MOS.
Initially I struggled a bit, Scalos AROS has problems in saving preferences, and does not support Dual-PNG icons.
In the end I solved it by converting my Dual-PNG icons to OS4 icons (Power Icons), formatted widely supported, I attach first Scalos di Contrib AROS 68k č molto pių aggiornata della versione OS3, tempo fa avevo provato ad installarlo sul mio AROS One 68k ma e non andava bene, avevo utilizzato la versione OS3.