I use IcarosDesktop 64bit on a regular basis mostly for testing software. It is Hosted on Linux.
As far as I remember the Native version has issues booting from hard disk whether on real hardware or in VM's.
The boot from hard disk issue was fixed after several days with three or four developers working on the problems. But that was the solution for Apollo OS (AROS 68k) on V4SA. Rony Beck and others put in many hours on that issue.
Not sure if they updated the ABIv1 repository afterwards. But the changes are likely present in the Apollo OS fork.
BTW I have a zip archive of all the ZuneTools for x86-64. Maybe I will post them to AROS Archives. They were revised for 64bit & compiled by the author. It includes: StackMon, ThumbnailGenerator, VNC_Client, ZuneARC, ZuneBrot, ZuneFig, ZuneHex, ZunePaint & ZuneView.