IconClone Icon Exchange

miker1264 · 12647


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Reply #105 on: February 03, 2023, 03:50:22 PM
No on Magellan, "Opus Backdrop" does not refresh the Workbench.

AmiStart also has a Refresh but it only works on its bar.

I think it should not be difficult to create a small command to do a Workbench Refresh, if any developer would like to do it we would be very grateful.

I will do some research if there is any source or OS3 script that can be adapted


Found on Aminet "SmartW" C-Source is included.
Tried to compile on AROS x86 it but I get compile errors


IconClone works wonderfully on AROS One x86.

Thanks to @paolone for requesting the command line options.

The Wanderer Backdrop works well to refresh.  :)

This is what I did for testing. If you are going to be changing  volume disk icons and you are unsure just copy AROS:Disk.info to AROS:Extras or anywhere that isn't a volume.

Simply go to AROS:Tools or wherever IconClone is located. Launch the program with the app icon or open a shell and type IconClone --o please note there are two dashes and that is the small letter 'o' not the number zero. The empty GUI should open on Workbench. More about that in a few.

Drop the AROS: icon in the destination display area on the right. Drop another icon, such as Ram: like I did, on the source display area on the left. Then perform the exchange.

Do the Wanderer Backdrop trip and the disk icon images change to the new ones. To restore the disk icon from backup do this. In a shell type IconClone --o AROS:Extras/Disk.info to open the original disk icon in the source display area on the left. Note that disk.info isn't visible in ICON VIEW. It's hidden from view. Drop your now changed AROS: icon on the destination display area and perform the exchange. After the backdrop trick it re-appears and the icon has been restored.  ;)

If you prefer to do it all at once to restore the disk icon since we know the locations, in the shell type IconClone --o AROS:Extras/disk.info AROS:Disk.info and the GUI opens and both icons are displayed. Just press the exchange button.

Beware though if we leave out the --o the command is IconClone AROS:Extras/disk.info AROS:Disk.info. This is the command line exchange for scripts. There are no prompts or messages. It simply exchanges the icons with no GUI.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2023, 04:52:18 PM by miker1264 »


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Reply #106 on: February 04, 2023, 03:48:57 PM
Thanks miker although I don't like Shell commands very much, I will probably use these commands from Dopus4.

Last night on amigans.net I created some OS 4.1 style icons for old Amiga games (see screenshot) to an OS4.1 users, see attached link, and I received compliments for the speed and quality of the created icons !
... and to think that a few years ago I had no idea how to create a DualPNG/PowerIcons OS4 Icon



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Reply #107 on: February 04, 2023, 04:22:55 PM
Thanks miker although I don't like Shell commands very much, I will probably use these commands from Dopus4.

Last night on amigans.net I created some OS 4.1 style icons for old Amiga games (see screenshot) to an OS4.1 users, see attached link, and I received compliments for the speed and quality of the created icons !
... and to think that a few years ago I had no idea how to create a DualPNG/PowerIcons OS4 Icon


Very nice work.  :)

Having more icon tools to assemble or disassemble icons or to add special effects is an advantage. I'm working on several tools myself.

I haven't succeeded in adding a glow border to an image using my tools. But I can change the neon gold to neon blue or neon green glow border using HSL Color Shifting.

Recently I've been discovering the secrets of the icon attributes stored in the PNG icOn chunk. Some DualPNG Icons have two icOn chunks curiously. I only need to find the offset & length of the icOn chunk for use with my tools.

However when working on IconType it will be convenient to be able to list all the attribute tags to see if a new "type" was added. For IconType I may simply use DiskObjects.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 04:36:54 PM by miker1264 »


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Reply #108 on: February 04, 2023, 04:40:36 PM
Great, I will be happy to include it on AROS One 2.0 !

Question, do you know what tool the AROS x86 build Icons were created with?


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Reply #109 on: February 04, 2023, 05:55:55 PM
Great, I will be happy to include it on AROS One 2.0 !

Question, do you know what tool the AROS x86 build Icons were created with?

IcarosDesktop uses Ken's Icons. AROS 68k uses Gorilla Icons assembled at build time using ilbm2icon.

Soon we will have new colored icons based on the original set of ken's Icons.  :)

Of course I would contact him first before distributing colored icons based on the originals.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 06:35:34 PM by miker1264 »


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Reply #110 on: February 04, 2023, 05:56:58 PM
Reading icOn chunk is working including Deftool & Tooltypes.  :) :) :)

I included the code for how I made it work correctly to list all the tags & values.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2023, 06:34:11 PM by miker1264 »


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Reply #111 on: February 04, 2023, 07:20:05 PM

Of course I would contact him first before distributing colored icons based on the originals.

That's why I created my own Icon Sets, but aren't ken's Icons DualPNG?


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Reply #112 on: February 04, 2023, 07:37:04 PM

Of course I would contact him first before distributing colored icons based on the originals.

That's why I created my own Icon Sets, but aren't ken's Icons DualPNG?

Yes. They are DualPNG. Some of them have two icon chunks. Though only the first is being used.


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Reply #113 on: February 05, 2023, 04:51:17 AM
It now has command line arguments & switches. I will add the syntax for those in the readme file.

Hi Miker and thanks for this addition. Where can I download the latest version?


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Reply #114 on: February 05, 2023, 05:28:03 AM
It now has command line arguments & switches. I will add the syntax for those in the readme file.

Hi Miker and thanks for this addition. Where can I download the latest version?

I will post it here soon and also on AROS Archives.

I will also post the new usage instructions with the command line arguments and switches for IconClone.

I just need to verify that I suppressed all the test messages and that the new features work reasonably well.  8)

« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 01:36:33 PM by miker1264 »


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Reply #115 on: February 06, 2023, 04:30:50 AM


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Reply #116 on: February 06, 2023, 01:42:51 PM

I discovered a small problem I have to fix before releasing it.


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Reply #117 on: February 07, 2023, 09:38:18 AM
Hello All

I have discovered three small problems with the current version of IconClone (v1.09). But it is better than the previous release and it has more functionality. There are a few workarounds.  :)

The first problem is that most of the command line options work well. We can open an empty GUI from the shell or open the GUI and display the source icon only or both the source and destination. The user then only needs to press the Exchange button. This all works correctly. But for some reason performing the icon exchange in the shell without opening the GUI fails every time. It may be a permissions problem I'm guessing. Sometimes in the shell when copying an icon it fails. It says "nothing copied. Object is in use". I will continue to work on that to find a solution.

The second problem is that the Reverse Exchange option causes stability problems after the first exchange. For example if we drop the Srce & Dest icons at the same time then perform an exchange. Then immediately perform a reverse exchange everything works. But then if we only drop the Srce or only the Dest then perform the exchange. After that the Reverse Exchange give erroneous results. So I disabled Reverse Exchange for the moment till I fix it. The symbols on the button changed to '>>' to indicate that the Exchange only goes One Way. So be sure you are sure. No going back!

The third issue is that filenames with a '.' dot cause problems. The error will be "Error loading icon. Bad file name." The solution till I fix that is in Magellan choose the icon such as "Image.png" and Rename both the file and icon to simply "Image". Magellan will copy the def icon to that location and name it to match. After that you can drop the icon as usual to perform the exchange. Rename it again to the original when done if you'd like

As with version 1.08 I will release this version as is. In a few weeks or next month when I fix those few issues I can do a small update from version 1.09 to 1.09a.

I will adjust the code for the workarounds and release it today.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2023, 09:44:31 AM by miker1264 »


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Reply #118 on: February 07, 2023, 01:23:30 PM
Here is the updated version 1.09 for testing. Compiled for x86. The ReadMe text file helps explain the changes.

I will test my copy for another day or two and if there are no changes I will upload it to AROS Archives.

When using Magellan the icon images that changed will not show correctly till the window or volume is re-opened. Then the new icon images will display correctly.

« Last Edit: February 07, 2023, 01:39:20 PM by miker1264 »


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Reply #119 on: February 07, 2023, 01:55:53 PM
Thanks miker, I will also do some testing for due diligence