Miker perfect, Multiview will become one of the fundamental tools for viewing graphics and listening to music on AROS 68k/x86
Well at least MultiView will be more fun to use as an everyday tool now. And it will be useful for datatype conversion as well.
I'm trying to make it fully functional by fixing small bugs and implementing existing menu items that weren't finished such as Maximize/Normal while adding a few new features. The goal is to make MultiView more functional & more User Friendly while not adding too much additional code which makes it bloated.
In reality we only have four new menu items & some enhaced features of existing items such as Centered on Screen & an Updated About Box & Saving Resized Images as 32bit PNG. The other two additions are Reading MVIcon ToolTypes to enable Export & Edit File.
In addition to those updates for MultiView there is a new DTConvert GUI application that I made to convert datatypes. In the process I also updated several picture & sound datatypes including the SuperClass Sound.Datatype itself. Hopefully these changes will make MultiView & the Datatypes system better.
In order to save space in MultiView itself I have included in DTConvert GUI the ability to convert files to "Binary" (HEX) which allows them to be read as binary by MultiView. Also we will be able to convert 24bit images directly to HAM6 or HAM8. This is all done in DTConvert GUI. So it offloads this from MultiView.
I hope that is all in keeping with Nick's initial requirements. Thanks to him for setting up Project > Export Framework & Reading MVIcon ToolTypes. Starting external apps is huge!
Special thanks to everyone who has worked on MultiView.