As peromitted here is the video that shows how WHDLoad games will start on AROS One!
Of course on AROS One there will be no KickStart or Games, that's what the user will have to do:
Before running, the games carefully read "All" the specific Readme also found in each folder, all this to
facilitate step-by-step installations.
For WHDLoad games the first time you start with TinyLauncher you have to create the Games Menu,
Read the attached TinyLauncher Readme and follow the on-screen instructions.
First you need to copy KickStart 1.3 and KickStart 3.1 to the path and name below:
KickStart must be renamed Kick34005.A500 and Kick40068.A1200 respectively.
ADF games must be copied to the Games-ADF folder
WHDLoad games must be copied to the Games-WHD folder instead.
If desired, subfolders can be created for each individual game.
No operating system is required, of course you can also load
ADF, and WHDLoad to start Workbench 1.3 and Workbench 3.1.
This is the video showing the ease of execution in the AROS environment running JanusUAE, which in turn runs what I set up in the script!