On the new AROS One v2.0, you will find an excellent Multiplatform Animations Player that supports many Amiga formats, also has playlist support, and the ability to Save ANIM to GIFAnim.
Features: Can play the following Amiga ANIM format files: ANIM5, ANIM7, ANIM8(L) ANIM16, ANIM32, YAFA.
Save Animation ANIM to GIFAnim
Can play the following non-Amiga formats: FLIC (FLC)
Has playlist support. You can add a sequence of Anims and view them in the order you want.
Has quick resize options for: Original, Double size. Also able to freely resize manually of course.
Drag and drop support, adds files to playlist.
Runs on multiple platforms: AmigaOS3, AmigaOS4, AROS (x86), MorphOS, Linux (ARM, x86, PPC), MacOS, Windows.