Hello everyone
I received a beta of WCS from Alexander please test if possible the program in brief some clarifications
Basically WCS is working but many things need to be worked on, many other things have already been worked on but need more testing.
- For testing always compare results and behavior to Amiga WCS 2.04!
- All loaded or generated files should be Amiga compatible. If not, please report!
- Should only start if muimaster.library is at least version 19.55
- Project Save Screen: work in progress
- Loading and rendering the example scenes from Amiga WCS 2.04 works.
- Rendered images and Z-Buffers can be saved in all supported formats. Resulting files should be Amiga compatible.
- Data Ops Module:
* Extract DEM not yet tested. Please do so I you have an idea what to do/expect.
* Convert DEM
** Vista -> WCS DEM/bin/ColorMap/ZBuffer/GrayIFF/ColorIFF should work
** ASCII -> WCS DEM should work
** Other source formats conversions not yet finished
* Interpolate DEM not tested
* Import DLG: not yet worked on, probably wrong, could even crash. Please test if you have such files and send example files or link to me.
* Import DXF: not yet worked on, probably wrong, could even crash. Please test if you have such files and send example files or link to me.
* Import WDB: not yet worked on, probably wrong, could even crash. Please test if you have such files and send example files or link to me.
* Export LW: should work. Resulting files can be loaded in Amiga Lightwave
- MapView Module: should work completely
- Parameters Module: should work completely, including Motion Editor -> Cam View
- Render Module: should work completely
https://www.adrive.com/public/grzFCq/wcs_2.04.lhaps. new muimaster.library is on wcs archive