For those AROS users who are comic book fans like I once was, and I still am to some degree, then you will appreciate this.
Many years ago I was a comic book fan. I mostly enjoyed reading Conan the Barbarian. I even bought en edition #5 of The
Savage Sword of Conan in a plastic wrapper. I bought that comic book over 35 years ago planning to give it to my son, so
he could give it to his son, and so on... But I have come to realize that my son isn't a comic book fan. He would sell it or
worse simply give it away, not knowing its value! I'll still give it to him one day.
A while ago, maybe two years ago, someone on this forum asked if I would make an effort to upadate the AROS JPEG
Datatype to allow it to read 8bit Black and White JPEG Images. At the time I thought "What is an 8bit JPEG?" and also
"I don't know anything about JPEG file format." But for some reason I agreed. The request was so compelling based on
the fact the asker had confidence in my ability to achieve the desired result. The request was so sincere I had to agree.
About a year ago I decided to take on the 'challenge". JPEG Datatype was mocking me, every day since the original
request. So I dove into it head first. I took about two weeks to achieve my goal. It took one week to study everything
possible about JPEG File Format to figure out how to do such a thing. How could we possible read 8bit JPEG images? It took another week of research and testing. Then it was all done!
Here is an 8bit Conan Comic and Alpha Luna which is also 8bit jpeg. See the MultiView Output Information...
Updated JPEG Datatype Coming Soon to Icaros Desktop.