A few months ago I finished work on two additional datatypes. I added the save functions for the TGA (Targa) and PCX Datatypes. I was working in conjunction with Frederik Wikstrom since he's the original author. So those will be coming soon.
I finished the code for both including 16bit support and rle compression. Targa can save 8bit, 16bit, 24bit and 32bit. PCX can save 8bit and 24bit. I still have to clean up the code then I can send him the results and post the updated datatypes.
My Tiff Datatype works but it still has a problem with MultiView. Interestingly when I open Tiff files with my ViewTiff or my Viewer application which both use standard means to get a datatype the Tiff Datatype works without issues to Load and Save 24bit Tiff images. But MultiView uses a different method to get datatypes. Only when a Tiff file is already open in a viewer then MultiView can successfully Load and Save the Tiff files. ??
There seems to be a compatibiliyy issue between MultiView and LibTiff. So I'm using my ViewTiff application to develop an internal tiff decoder complete with compression algorithms.
My initial goal is to develop an internal decoder to read a 24bit uncompressed tiff file with a single image. When I get to that point I can then test compatibility with MultiView. Since there won't be any LibTiff function calls I don't foresee a problem. But it requires a bit of work on my part to build a new tiff decoder.