Installing Icaros Desktop on acer es1 511

yogib33r · 1783


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on: October 22, 2019, 12:18:15 PM
hello you all

hop you're fine ?
so then good ^^

ok the point is i have an old but still working laptop acer es1 511, with centrino processor. I tried to install icaros on it, it does right but i would like to prépare the partitions for before as the option to erase all isn't goood and only the choice to make tiny partitions for icaros is the only way. i have a 500go hardrive on it, ok i would like to create both os and work partitions up to 124go, but no way to find how to make it !

please give me some advices :) it would be cool to have an icaros laptop

kindly regards

amiga 4  ever


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Reply #1 on: October 23, 2019, 10:04:31 AM
hi welcome

the tool exists hdtoolbox in tools:, but if it is the first time that you work with icaaros it is not simple, I suggest you create a partition with install aros, I don't know how much you decide, install the system and then with hdtoolbox you create the rest, at the start of the program you should understand more or less how to do it because the scheme of the first partition is displayed


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Reply #2 on: October 23, 2019, 10:13:11 AM
hello you all

hop you're fine ?
so then good ^^

ok the point is i have an old but still working laptop acer es1 511, with centrino processor. I tried to install icaros on it, it does right but i would like to prépare the partitions for before as the option to erase all isn't goood and only the choice to make tiny partitions for icaros is the only way. i have a 500go hardrive on it, ok i would like to create both os and work partitions up to 124go, but no way to find how to make it !

please give me some advices :) it would be cool to have an icaros laptop

kindly regards

I'd proceed this way

1. boot the system straight from CD-ROM to understand if hardware is supported.

2. clean the drive selecting the proper device. Many people try to clean the SCSI-attached hard drive they don't own, instead of the ATA-attached one they have.

3. reboot and install, using 124 GB partitions

4. once installed, use HDToolBox to create other partitions if needed.

I'd suggest to install both Icaros and a Linux distro if you are able to do that, since having a more complete OS at disposal might come handy in many situations.


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Reply #3 on: October 25, 2019, 01:18:01 PM
hello dear paolone and salvo :)

yes i done this but the fact is i doesn't want to make defined size partitions.
actually i'm not at home but i go try it after cleaning the hard drive with gparted cd.

regards and thanx.


amiga 4  ever