How many distinct view does this thread get?
I see putting down Aros and Icaros.
It looks like there is still plenty of interest in Aros.
Of course there is interest in Icaros is the most complete flavor of AROS,
but if you don't work like in Morphos,
This year has to be better than the previous one at AROS,
I've been saying what is needed for 2 years or more,
input drivers,
32-bit graphics,
more sound drivers,
ip assigned by the dhcp in automatic,
repositories, you don't have to assemble a puzzle,
We changed the chip 12 years!
the graphic driver that would be atomically recognized is selected from the list,
Sound driver the same.
(The user works like this, he has a friend who is a programmer,
he teaches the operating system because it looks good I'm going to program for it,
more users, more users = donations)
(The open source companies themselves would schedule for AROS)
You started a common project and there are many flavors already,
1 more native users
2 equals more programmers
3 more interested
There would be sponsors,
we give them to the eyelet who humiliates us with AROS,
Does anyone see him as me or do you still think like 12 years ago?