Clue? I don't have one. (Linux hosted, x64, ABI1, GCC)

Mysha · 2254


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on: September 10, 2019, 09:11:33 PM

AFAICT, everybody here either knows what he's doing, or knows what he's talking about. I merely know what I want to do and, after changes upon changes, I have no longer a clue about how to accomplish it.

I have a Linux machine, a 64 bit machine, running Ubuntu Mate 18.04.3 LTS. I would like to run AROS on this machine and with it compile a Commodity to filter out Alt-Tab.
(This should allow my computer to remember what character set it's using when I tell the host to flip screens.)
I would prefer to do so on ABI1, but for now I have no problem with developing first and converting later.
(Alternatively, I also have a 256G memory stick, that could be used for AROS if that would be easier. It would seem less practical for now, but portability often has its advantages.)

Now, with all the distributed information available, there seem to be several approaches to this. However, I find that whatever I do will always result in some problem or another that I can't get past. There always seems to be some clue missing that I would need to solve this. I don't have a clue how to get there from here.

Is there any one (or more) willing to share some clues with me regarding a path that would for certain get me there?




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Reply #1 on: September 11, 2019, 08:35:16 AM
Hello. I am no coder at all, but I guess you wuld find the following information useful:

"How I compiled deark for 64bit AROS"


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Reply #2 on: September 11, 2019, 10:35:05 AM
Ah, a clue!

paolone: "... in order to compile sources for 64bit AROS - you should use either a crosscompiler or the AROS build system, which provides the crosscompiler by itself."

So, rather than: "OK, I don't need the AROS stuff yet, as I'm only trying to HelloWorld." I have to read that bit as: "Hey, you! Put your stuff in the tree or give up all hope!"

OK, let me see: The option where I used pre-compiled archives would probably get me to that point. (That was the route that got me furthest; I just couldn't get it to do even a HelloWorld.)

Thanks; let's see where that leads me (after choir practice).

Bye for now,



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Reply #3 on: September 11, 2019, 02:41:28 PM
Hi Misha. Maybe O1i or other developers can help you get on the right track, however what I can tell you, is that setting up the AROS build system on your 64bit ubuntu linux is piece of cake. If I could do that, it means that everyone can and I am not kidding at all: anyone who actually knows how language works and who can write programs in C, is far better than me with this.


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Reply #4 on: September 11, 2019, 03:10:10 PM
Hi Misha. Maybe O1i or other developers can help you get on the right track, however what I can tell you, is that setting up the AROS build system on your 64bit ubuntu linux is piece of cake. If I could do that, it means that everyone can and I am not kidding at all: anyone who actually knows how language works and who can write programs in C, is far better than me with this.

I will also need to set up 64bit Hosted on Linux soon. Once you get it set up let me know if there's anything to be aware of.


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Reply #5 on: September 11, 2019, 03:22:59 PM
Hi both,

I know know that setting up AROS on Linux is doable, once you know what the documentation is supposed to say. And using GCC is not too big a problem either. It's just that at the moment, I could not find a way to combine those two parts. Well, choir practice is over, so I'll have a new try. If it does work, I might make a small archive of just root and minimal development files, to make available for the next developer who just needs AROS plus development.

Let's see.
                                                           Mysha (With the 'y' of Ely.)



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Reply #6 on: September 11, 2019, 04:45:47 PM
No, thinking this through, it would seem anything short of building your own won't work, as you then have to add to that tree to get your own project compiled. (Well, it probably would, but it doesn't seem to be documented as such.)

Of course, getting the nightly archives is not a problem. One documented list of prerequisites says I need "libpng12-dev"; for now I hope that "libpng-dev" will be fine. One documented list of prerequisites says I need "OpenGL development headers and libraries", that I don't know anything about; the other list doesn't seem to mention it. We'll have to see whether this will be enough. Not really a hopeful development, but let's see what happens.




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Reply #7 on: September 11, 2019, 04:53:39 PM
For setting up AROS crosscompiler on Linux I believe there is a script called "" on the Icaros install DVD or you could search for it.

The script may list all the necessary parts of gcc.


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Reply #9 on: September 12, 2019, 02:20:36 PM

Thanks. I don't know if it won't run into the exact same problem I'm running into manually now, but still: If the current path fails, I'll have a go. (At the very least, it'll show a variety of Linux Hosted possibilities.)

