ok thank's
Sure! But I'm done yet.
Load_ BMP (though it wasn't written by me) doesn't meet my three main criteria for picture datatypes:
It should be "Coherent, Concise & Effective".
It isn't Coherent with Buffered Read Operations that are difficult to follow if there's a problem. There is definitely a problem here!
It is Concise. Other than "Buffered Reads" it has the minimal amount of code for the desired effects.
It's not effective because it's not "inclusive". Saying "if( depth != 24 )" //get colormap isn't effective. What if depth is 32? Instead it shoud say "if( depth <= 8 )" //get colormap. That's more effective. Reading one scanline at a time is a Buffered Read. That's enough for C code that is already fast.
Having said all that, I do admire the style in which Load_ILBM is written for the ILBM datatype. Its Coherent, Concise, Well-Organized, Effective & All-Inclusive.
With that in mind I will re-write the entire Load_BMP function with Direct Read Methods which I have already proven to be effective with Alpha Transparency for BMPX files.
(Sorry - salvatore didn't get the last word again) 😛