Hello all!
As Salvatore said, I'm working to give a GUI to the xpdf tools suite, I'm testing the first tool (pdfDeatch) on the latest IcAROS desktop (thank you Paolone!) but I'm having troubles to run scripts.
I need to execute a script and redirect the output to another file but I fear that something has changed from my last visit on AROS land
My old launcher was:
Run Execute 'script_name' >'output_log'
From what I can see, no errors are reported but the 'output_log' file is empty, do you have any hints?
Here is the script generated to retrieve the pdfDetach version:
"tools/bin/pdfdetach" -v
I'm having difficulties to achieve the result I need from the shell too, for example if I run this command:
> <path>/tools/bin/pdfdetach -v >RAM:output
The output still goes to the console, the file RAM:output is generated but it is empty (0 bytes).
The paths are correct, any help is very appreciated
PS.: I've downloaded the tools from AROS Archives