Hi Yanosh,
Sorry for the delay
Without startup-sequence there should not be any running programs that can change the colors of the shell.
That statement is correct.
In case you did test it that way then i'm a bit puzzled with regards to your results. See also below.
Checking the workbench colors would be really usefull.
Two programs are available:
1) palettedemo
2) rtpalette
Both resides in the demo directory of plain AROS.
Just wondering... would it be possible to modify the shell so that you can directly choose the colors of the background, text and prompt? Increasing the text buffer would be usefull too.
I am not sure what you meant by the word 'choosing'.
The easiest way to 'customize' your shell is by modifying the shell-startup script as that is executed by every shell that is invoked.
The reason any settings with regards to shell colours has no meaning whatsoever is because the way the Amiga (pen) coloring system works. The shell as currently implemented (being compatible with the original workbench shell) dictates the shell to use the default workbench colours.
As stated before the workbench colours can be changed by any program at any time, so any 'setting' can also be lost at any time. It is just how things are implemented.
Having said that, there is no reason why anyone could implement a custom shell that does not comply to the workbench classic standards and draw things in a customized way. The downside of that will be that such a shell would be incompatible with any software that relies on classic behaviour with regards to colours.
On another note, i am not sure but it could be that if you use Magellan as desktop that it is overriding your settings as Magellan seems to use 8 colours. I'm just not sure whether those 8 colours are from default workbench pens or use Zune pens.
PS: As a general note (not meant to be personal for Yanosh) this will be my last post with regards to generic help regarding AROS/Icaros as i'm not about to repeat myself over and over and admin deciding to remove access the old forums over and over again. with me requesting to put them back up. That was not part of the deal we've made. I'll only support Free Pascal from now on.