Recently, I thought it would be fun to resume work on an old Amiga IDE I started building in 1997. So I dusted off my old source code, found out I lost a bunch of it, what's left is totally disorganized. Anyway, I installed amiga-gcc using the instructions at'm using Eclipse 2021-09 (4.21.0) on Ubuntu 18.04, 64-bit.
The application uses MUI 3.8 and is written 100% in C using OS APIs (and MUI).
I'm getting some weird errors:
array of inappropriate type initialized from string constant
line 101, external location: /home/john/amigadev/MUI/C/include/inline/muimaster.h
excess elements in struct initializer
line 194, external location: /home/john/amigadev/MUI/C/include/libraries/mui.h
expected identifier or '(' before '__asm'
common.h line 105
common.h line 105 is: #define ASM __asm
When I installed, the compiler needed so I did:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
which resolved the problem. Or did it?
Oh, also: I'm missing #include <dos.h>
I have <dos/dos.h> but isn't there a dos.h from SAS that's different from the OS's dos.h?