Preview of AROS One x86 1.4 with Distro deadwood integration, recreated the icons for all applications including system and def_icon, also AmiStart has been updated with new icons with a toolbar in the style of the AfA One version.
AROS One is now richer with software already usable from the Live CD, many file associations of Dopus4 and Wanderer have been changed, due to application displacement.
I attach a video that shows the installation and functionality of the new ISO of AROS One x86, something not common in DVDLive, in practice you can do almost everything you can do in the version installed on HD.
During the installation you can browse, listen to music even On-line, unpack, read documents, watch videos and try almost all the programs on the ISO, nothing is compacted, everything is ready to use, in the video there is a small demonstration of what I said.
Those who want to test the new AROS One x86 just have to ask, for the release i would like to wait for some update from Deadwood.