So, there was an older ABIv0, 32 bit, no longer supported by itself, but possibly still in use for IcAROS.
Obviously, leaving that situation behind means once again split in user base. We seem to be quite fond of that.
Affirmative on both accounts.
Then there's a newer ABIv0, also 32 bit, well if we call the first one ABIv0.0, then this would be ABIv0.1. That's in personal locations, and it's a moving target
Strictly technically speaking old ABIv0 (Icaros) and
alt_ABIv0, but yes.
Next we get a 64 bit target, let's call that one ABIv1.0. It's supported on I take it that is a moving target as well, though.
ABIv1 exist for 32-bit, 64-bit, m68k (it always was ABIv1 for m68k since ABIv1 was introduced), arm, ppc etc as listed
And then there's ABIv1.1, which is possibly the axrt version, in which case for optimal unusability that one too is a moving target.
It really is referred to as ABIv11 but yes again. See
here (master/main branch)
Axrt resides at the same repo but in another branch,
Add to that, that I now realised that rather than the "original developers completely seized 32-bit development of AROS", it should read "original developers completely ceased 32-bit development of AROS",
Indeed, one of my more ... shall we say ... finest moments ?
and options are rather limited. Things come down to either ABIv0.0 from IcAROS, which we already know won't work in my case, or recompiling every offering myself since there are no other stable versions to create software releases for.
Alt_ABIv0 is as stable as it gets, and the same is true for ABIv11.
Deadwood tries to keep breaking changes to a minimum (I can't even remember the last breaking change). Both ABI's do get constant updates and Axrt is really a moving target (though deadwood did indicate it to be reasonably stable but he might change his opinion for the better good, as it is an experiment after all).
To try and make your head spin even more, updates, fixes and other improvements gets committed back 'n' forth between different repo's and/or branches. See for example
this commit history in main AROS Development team repo/branch.
There are at least two distributions that that are based on alt_ABIv0, namely
Tiny AROS and
AROS One. The only thing I currently do not know is if both distro's also support ABv11 (but the idea/intention is to move forward).
Deadwoods next effort seem to be a 32-bit AROS emulator for 64-bit AROS but you would have to ask him about the details because I have not had the time to get into that particular project
I do not know what exactly you wish to contribute but you could always opt for going the safe side and commit to the original AROS Development Team repository. Changes made in that repo will usually and eventually find their way back to the other ABI('s).
BTW: Don't let the member status fool y'ah, it is just an indicator for the postcount. Thus many questions asked will get you there as well