For those who would like to try "AROS ABIv1", I have created a version of AROS One ABIv1, currently available for Download only on this forum.
The reason for this decision, is because there are no third-party software on ABIv1, except for a few applications released with the "ABIv1" contrib, there are no navigation and multimedia sofware.
You will not find any difference between the settings of the different versions of AROS One.
ABIv1 is not much different from ABIv0, both have the same bugs and few differences.
For example ABIv1 no assigns the right def_ icon to USB volumes, while it correctly recognizes the NoDOS volume (see screenshot)
In contrast ABIv0 assigns the correct def_ Icon to the USB volume, but does not assign any def_icon to the NoDOS volume.
Of course, to make this evaluation I used the same Datatypes Descriptors.
Note: on AROS One ABIv1 you can change themes on BoingIconBar, without rebooting the system
Download AROS One ABIv1 (based on the graphical structure of AROS One ABIv0 v2.0):