The best Amiga emulator we have is Janus-UAE that is based on a very old Amiga emulator that is way outdated compared to WinUAE or FS-UAE. I know it is not an easy task to bring a later Amiga classic emulator to AROS, but it is in my opinion maybe the most important task to bring inn more interest. Now that AROS 68k is so compatible with Amiga classic it would be great with a version of AROS where everything is set up and ready to go. As most know WinUAE can be tricky to set up with roms, HDD etc.
What always been strange and kind of sad is how bad VICE work on AROS. The sound is very distorted, almost not possible to hear anything. With all the talented people that do compiles for AROS I have a feeling this could be solved. I consider AROS a part of the Commodore family and a good working version of VICE would be a step in the right direction.
Anyone up to the task? I would be more than happy to test. Last version we have is v.3.1 now VICE is v.3.4 and it can still be compiled with original SDL I'm told.
I tried 2.4 and there Audio is working good but the emulator is unstable. Suddenly drops to half the speed etc.
Running the version without sound everything is perfect. It is something with the audio that is very wrong.