Hello Ola,
I have personally nothing to do with aros.org,
I am aware that you aren't responsible for aros.org. Reason to post here is that thiose that do used to follow the ae forums. Whether they follow the new ae or not i have no clue about.
I have however asked a few people if they can either look at the issues on the main page or ask on the dev ML if anyone can.
Thank you for your effort. I'm aware your time is (also) limited.
If this end up into oblivion then i'll post it on the ML.
However... and this bugs me... this situation has been here for almost a year now and nobody seem to notice. At least from the outside it looks like nothing is done to address the situation.
It really is very bad advertisement. And before anyone think it is just me. It really isn't. It seems to depends on the browser being used. Every modern browser just throws you to arixfoundation and if not you are presented with the annoying hosting messages in the feed section(s).
Not to mention that the links (in those feed section) still point to aros-exec.org ... which brings you to aminet.
ae.org domain pointing to Aminet. I said when I opened this new one, that I do not have access to that domain anymore and for people to stop using it.
I am aware but ae.amigalive.org (see my error there already) doesn't keep stuck into this puny haystack of a brain of mine
The one who does have that domain now, has decided upon himself to point it there now and there is nothing I can do about it.
Fair enough. It is not your fault rather that the aros.org website is still using these links. Oh and not to mention google still popping up links to the old domain.
As for the new AE displaying aros.org as title, are you sure that is not just when you are in this thread? .
Frustration and annoyance got the better of me and indeed is as you write *oops* Ergo my apologies.
I have never experienced your last problem myself, but I will put it on my list of issues to take a look at.
Well.... see my apologies. I don't think there is anything you can do about that other then renaming the thread-title. Which in all fairness is an option for you being sysop and all that